Chicken Cordon Bleu

I got some wholesale chicken breasts from Costco and looked for a recipe that I could do for the evening.  I was thinking either chicken a la king or chicken kiev or chicken cordon bleu.

I decided on cordon bleu after looking through various recipes.  I used the one from  Of course I had to do changes depending on what I had in the pantry.

Instead of regular breadcrumbs I used the potato chips (barbecue flavor) that was just sitting forgotten in the cupboards.  Instead of prosciutto I used bacon and Kraft sliced american cheese for the mozzarella.
Chicken Cordon Bleu ala Cat
The recipe only called for 28 minutes in the oven but I couldn't take the chance and did 350 for over an hour.  I served this for dinner with clam chowder and instant mashed potatoes.  My family enjoyed it.

Korean Cuisine - Sweet Pancake

As I was looking through Maanchi's website I found this sweet pancake recipe.  I was looking for something Z could have for his snack.  Pretty easy recipe, simple ingredients.  Leftovers can be wrapped in foil and frozen for later - just reheat in the toaster.  Yum!
Sweet Pancake

Korean Cuisine - Spicy tofu soup

I haven't been cooking for quite some time since my mom was here for the holidays.  She was always in the kitchen cooking.  Not that I wasn't happy.  I love her cooking :).  But now that she's not here I find myself looking at recipes that are easy to cook and prepare.

For the past two weeks I've made some things that were interesting.  I've made a couple of Korean dishes - one a dessert/ snack, and another is a soup.  Today I  made a chicken dish.


When my mom was here we went to a Korean supermarket and ate at their food court.  We got their ever popular bulgogi which was large enough for two and a tofu soup which we've never had before.  But since every stall had their own version of this tofu soup we had to try it.  Too bad I didn't snap a photo of it.

The soup was really good that I decided to try it myself.  I searched for a good recipe that I could follow.  I finally decided on Maangchi's Soondubu Jigae (hot and spicy tofu stew).  I used clams for the seafood (the canned ones).  I had dried kelp in the pantry but decided to use just my seasoned seaweed Gohan Desuyo which was already opened.   It worked out pretty well.  It was initially pretty spicy but by the next day it had mellowed because the tofu had absorbed the spiciness.
my tofu soup
I'm definitely going to try again with more seafood.

Choco Crinkle

I tried to make this recipe earlier this week but I didn't follow the recipe to the letter so it didn't come out that great.  I tried again today and made adjustments.  I added more butter and used cocoa powder instead of the choco morsels that you needed to melt first.
Everything came out much better.  :)

bento 06-08-2009

bento 06-08-2009, originally uploaded by ztosmom.

For my first day at work, I made this bento out of the left-overs from last night. Not really that pretty but it works for me. :)

I got to use my new punchers.  Even though it's out of proportion, it works.

MingMing - Amigurumi #6

Tonight's project was the duck pattern.  Isn't he cute?
This was requested by my son this morning.  He's growing up so fast.  He already knows what he wants.

Lavander Cupcake with sprinkles

My 5th venture into amigurumi.  I am now doing much better on the loops.  They are relatively even.  The shape is now good.  Stitching/ embroidering the eyes, lips and assembly of the parts are now much much better.  Practice does make perfect.  I am now confident enough to put sprinkles on him.